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Session I: Body Contouring (I)
Moderator: Kao-Jung Chang張高榮、Chao-Yi Lai賴釗毅

Chia-Lin Lee,MD


Topic: Anesthesia Risks in Liposuction Surgery

Chao-Hsiang Lee,MD


Topic: Using Combined Technologies for Liposculpture: A Safe and Effective Approach

Benny Tsung Yu,MD


Topic: Refinement of Miniabdominoplasty with Renuvion

Chao-Yi Lai,MD


Topci: Revised Lipoplasty: Strategies, Tactics and Techniques

Session II: Breast
Moderator: Chien-Tzung Chen陳建宗、Sung-Yuan Chang張松源

Sung-Yuan Chang,MD


Topic: Peri-Areola Breast Augmentation- Passthrough and Breakthrough of My Personal 20-Years Experiences

​Ya-Wei Lai,MD


Topic:Innovative Approaches for Gynecomastia Surgery

Chih-Cheng Hung,MD


Topic: Revisional Breast Augmentation via Endoscopic Transaxillary Approach. What Can We Achieve Now?

Shan-Yun Chen,MD


Topic: Refinement of Female-To-Male Chest Contouring Surgery

Jeng-Yee Lin,MD


Topic: Autologous Fat Transplantation to Breasts And Its Clinical Implications

Chih-Wei Wu,MD


Topci: Balancing Aesthetics and Scarring: Choosing Between Augmentation and Augmentation Mastopexy

Session III: Labiaplasty and Vaginoplasty
Moderator: Faye Huang黃慧芬、Shu-Ying Chang張淑茵

Shu-Ying Chang,MD


Topic: From Tradition to Modernity: The History, Techniques, and Motivations Behind Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery

Ya-Wei Lai,MD


Topci: Aesthetic Genital Procedures: An All-Enhancement From Function to Appearance (The Potential Application of Exosome, PRP and Fat Graft in Genital Area)

​Ching-Hsuan Hu,MD,PhD


Topic: Refining Vulva Appearance in Sexual Reassignment Surgery

Session IV: Special Lecture
Moderator: Chih-Hung Lin林志鴻、Chung-Ho Feng馮中和

Matthias Aust,MD

Topic: The Evolution of Breast Surgery Using PERLETM. The Advanced Smooth Implants- From Past to Newest Science

Jun Wook Lee,MD

Topic: Bespoke Breast Augmetnation with Ergonomic Implant, Motiva

Jun Wook Lee,MD

Topci: Detailed Technique of Gluteoplasty with Fat Graft and HD Liposculpting with LSSA

Session V: Facial Liposculpture
Moderator: Han-Tsung Liao廖漢聰、Chung-Hao Pan潘俊豪

​Kuang-Te Chen,MD


Topic: Combination of Liposculpture with Chin Augmentation for Jaw Line Reshaping

Chun-Hao Pan,MD


Topic: Minimally Invasive Facial Contouring Surgery

Chun-Shin Chang,MD


Topic: Facial Contouring: Soft Tissue and Bone

Session VI: Body Contouring (II)
Moderator: Erh-Kang Chou周爾康、Chao-Yi Lai賴釗毅

Alexander Aslani,MD

Topic: 2000 Buttock Implants Later and Wiser- What I Have Learnt To Do and What Not To Do

Yen-Chou Chen,MD


Topci: TSAPS High-Definition Circumferential Lipoabdominoplasty

Alexander Aslani,MD

Topic: Extreme Makeover Surgery- What You Can and What You Shouldn't

Erh-Kang Chou,MD


Topic: Liposculpture in Lower Leg Aesthetics Surgery

Chih-Hsin Liu,MD


Topci: Body Contouring Surgery— The Art of Shaping Your Curves

Session VI: Body Contouring (II)
Moderator: Wen-Sun Tseng曾文尚、Huang-Kai Kao高煌凱



Topic: Characterization of Exosome Products and Optimization for Targeted Functionality Using Bioinformatics

Yu-Han Chang,MD


Topic: 脂肪幹細胞在再生醫學的應用

Chien-Ding Chen,MD


Topic: Regenerative Aesthetics- Past, Present and Future

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